About us

Islington Food Partnership is a broad coalition of local organisations and individuals working together to build a thriving local food system for Islington.

Islington Food Partnership is chaired by Manor Gardens Welfare Trust

Our strategic board

You can download our Terms of Reference for our strategic board. If you would be interested in being a part of either our Strategic Board or Coordinating Group, you can email us at hello@islingtonfoodpartnership.org.uk

Laura Thomas-Hockey, Head of Partnerships and Development, Manor Gardens Welfare Trust


Julie Parish, Network Development Manager, Octopus Communities Network

Fran Bury, Assistant Director of Public Health, Islington Council

Sheri Lawal, Director, Choices

Hekate Papadaki, CEO, Manor Gardens Welfare Trust

Councillor Flora Williamson

Dr Christian Reynolds, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Food Policy, City University

Teena Phillips, Centre Manager, Mildmay Community Centre

Sarah Benioff, Director, Cripplegate Foundation and Islington Giving

David Norman, Bright Start Area Lead, Islington Council

Our coordinating group

You can download our Terms of Reference for our coordinating group. If you would be interested in being a part of either our Strategic Board or Coordinating Group, you can email us at hello@islingtonfoodpartnership.org.uk

Laura Thomas-Hockey, Head of Partnerships and Development, Manor Gardens Welfare Trust


Amanuel Woldesus, Head of Margins Project, Union Chapel

Amanuel Woldesus is a resident of Islington as well as the Head of Margins Project, one of the charities in the Union Chapel supporting the homeless or people at risk of being homeless. Prior to joining Margins, Amanuel had had a stint of senior roles in the sector, including Head of Integration and Community Development at Migrants Resource Centre/Asylum Aid for over 3 years; a CEO at Regenerate RISE, a charity supporting the elderly, briefly in 2016; an Operations Director at the Upper Room, a homeless charity in west London, for over four years; and a senior marketing and communication project manager at Media Trust for over 4 years.

Rosie Apperley, Project Coordinator / Administrator, Octopus Community Network

Rosie works for Octopus as Projects Coordinator/Administrator. Having started at Octopus as a volunteer, Rosie has been involved in the Network for 10 years. Her day to day involves working on the operations of the organisation, as well as coordinating projects run across the borough. Having worked previously for a housing charity, Rosie is particularly interested in looking at how issues faced by communities intersect and how communities can be involved in creating systemic change.

Candice George, Islington Food Partnership Coordinator, Manor Gardens Welfare Trust

Candice has been the IFP coordinator since 2021. During the pandemic, she helped set up a wellbeing hotline as part of a volunteer-run branch of the National Food Service network. She since became a co-Director of NFS London and continues to be involved in community food events both during and outside of work. She is a passionate advocate of the cooperative movement and creating spaces for communities to connect and take action collectively

Michelle Webb, Environmental Health Manager, Islington Council

Michelle is an Environmental Health manager in Islington’s public protection team with a remit covering food, health and safety, public health and infectious disease control. As well as commercial enforcement work, Michelle provides support on wider food issues to both the food partnership, formerly food strategy group, and wider CVS groups.

Fran Bury, Assistant Director / Consultant in Public Health, Islington Council

Flora Walker, Inclusive Design Officer, Islington Council

Sheri Lawal, Founder & Director Choices CiC

Fran Harrington-Edmans, Assistant Public Health Strategist, Islington Council

Fran works in the Healthy Environments, Healthy Aging and Long-Term Conditions Public Health team at Islington Council. She focuses on physical activity, healthy eating and the built environment. Fran has a psychology background and has previously designed digital interventions in the fields of sexual and mental health.

Ellie Costigan, Senior Communications and Content Officer, Islington Council

Ellie looks after IslingtonLife – Islington Council’s community-focused print magazine and online blog – as part of the council’s communications team, and has masters in food policy from City University. She has worked on Borough Market’s food policy and volunteered for Sustain: The Alliance for Fairer Food and Farming, and the National Food Service. Ellie is also a freelance food writer.

Our members include

50 Shades Greener

Age UK Islington

Alexandra Wylie Tower Foundation

Arsenal in the Community

Awesome CIC

Bags of Taste

Bright Start Islington

Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust


Caxton House

Choices London CIC

City University

Claremont Project


Elizabeth House


Feast With Us

First Love Foundation

Food For All UK


Full Circle Bar Group

Go Dharmic


Hanley Crouch Community Association

Hargrave Hall

Healthwatch Islington

Help On Your Doorstep

Highbury Roundhouse

Hilldrop Community Centre

Hive Foodbank

Hornsey Lane Estate Community Association

Impact Hub Kings Cross

Islington Giving

Islington Mutual Aid Groups

Islington People’s Rights

Islington Play Association

Islington Trussel Trust Foodbank

Kings Cross Church

KLH Sustainability

London Borough of Islington

Light Project Pro International

London Assembly

London MET University

London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine

Maha Devi Centre

Manor Gardens Welfare Trust

Mildmay Community Centre

Museum of Homelessness

Muslim Welfare House

Nags Head Town Centre Group

National Food Service London

Newington Green Action Group

Octopus Communities

Pilion Trust

Shelter From The Storm

St Giles Trust

St Luke’s Community Centre

St Mary’s Hornsey Rise

St Stephens Church

Streets Kitchen

Stuart Low Trust


The Arc Centre

The Felix Project

The Manna at St Stephen’s Church

Tonkotsu Restaurant

Union Chapel

Universal Church of the Kingdom of God

Wesley’s Chapel & Leysian Mission

Whittington Health NHS Trust

What we do for local residents

Provide information on community food services, including where to find emergency support


Provide opportunities to influence local food strategy and services

What we do for partnership organisations

Collaborate on funding bids and fundraising initiatives

Gather and share data and information on food across the Borough

Design and work together on projects and ideas

Share expertise and good practice


Work together to help shape and influence local and national policies

If you are an Islington resident looking to find community food services or support

Please ring the Manor Gardens Welfare Trust Assistance line on:

07538 562128

or email us

Lines are open Monday – Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Anything else? Get in touch!

In case you have any questions or want to join the partnership please don't hesitate to get in touch with us

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Kurdish (Kurmanji)